The steps to achieve pro-environmental behaviour change?
Would you like to affect more change in your work or personal life around pro-environmental behaviours? Find out the four steps to take to achieve this.
5 reasons stats and facts alone will not achieve behaviour change
Here are five reasons why knowledge or education alone is not enough to change unsustainable habits!
7 Tips to Improve Recycling at Work
Are you the person that is forever re-sorting the recycling at work and pulling coffee cups out of the paper stream? It can be easy to blame people for not doing the recycling ‘properly’ in the office but maybe there are some limitations with the set-up. Check out these tips: Why your bin system could be the problem 1. Remove the under-desk binAs humans we look for the easy option and the short cuts, so […]
Tips for engaging your team in your sustainability policy and strategy?
By Livvy Drake As businesses look to what the future holds and how they remain a ‘sustainable’ and viable business, we are advocating bringing the team into discussions and strategies on what a sustainable future, policy and strategy would look like, for people, planet and profit. By adopting sustainability an organisation is focused on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. As […]
Making behaviour change in the workplace easy, attractive, social and timely
Wondering how to encourage people to recycle better at work or to change people’s habits for using single-use takeaway packaging every lunchtime? Here is a quick insight into some behaviour change principles, summed up in a simple acronym. EAST that you can use for workplace behaviour change. So before you send another angry email about the recycling contamination or invest in thousands of reusable coffee cups, read this. One of the most valuable […]
From animal activists to buff bodybuilders: what the vegan movement can tell us about mainstreaming environmental products and behaviours
Here are four behavioural science reasons that veganism has moved from the peripherals of society to the past-time of gym enthusiasts which can provide insights for others targeting mainstream audiences with environmental messages and products. by Livvy Drake (Head Sustainable Sidekick) As a vegetarian since birth, sometime vegan, and now a flexigan (flexible vegan), for the environment; I’ve been fascinated to see the mainstream crossover of the plant-based diet. Looking at it through […]
Employee climate perks the antidote to flight shame
Is flight shame a conversation that is happening in your workplace, or something you are experiencing but with your current holiday allowance you aren’t sure how to address this without advocating “staycations” this year, which you know won’t appeal to everyone? Read on for a solution that has benefits for both employee and employer and some reality checks on overland travel objections, all without the need to guilt-trip anyone. Carbon impact of flights Firstly lets […]
Every Day’s a School Day- Learning on the Job
Embarking on a sustainability journey can be a steep learning curve in industry lingo, concepts and processes that may be unfamiliar to you. Plus there can be some uncomfortable lessons in navigating greenwash. This is exactly why we set up the Sustainable Sidekicks online learning platform to make adopting environmental business processes and practices accessible and easy. When we conducted research on how people wanted to learn, they asked for short lessons, real-world examples […]
Plastic Reduction Tips for Procurement Teams
If you work in procurement and your business is looking to reduce plastics, it may fall on you to take action. So here are some tips on tackling plastics in the supply chain. Audit your supply chain for single-use plastic packaging and quantify the amountsIdentify what comes in single-use packaging. Establish the weights of the packaging and the quantities bought over a year- you can do this by asking your suppliers who will have it […]