Medway Council Sustainable Events Training

As part of their commitment to meet their climate and environmental commitments and upskill their team and local event organisers, Medway Council commissioned training for local event organisers on all aspects of events including sustainable events. 

The project was funded by UKSPF Funding and you can see the link here for Medway.

The Council are also developing ‘Green Event’ guidance documents for small and medium and large events which they will be launching over the summer. 

The Council commissions a number of their own events and they were keen to get their own house in order and lead by example, so their events, transport and public health teams were present. 

The Sustainable Sidekicks developed a three-hour training session that considered the key impacts covered in the guide with a focus on smaller community events: 

After each impact area, their was peer-to-peer learning were the room discussed discussions what was already happening within the council departments and local events. 

There was a focus on how the organisations could engage stakeholders such as traders, local businesses and bring them along on the sustainability journey through: 

The session was rounded up with discussions in groups about the actions and insights and what people would take forward: 

The local grassroots events who attended committed to: 

The workshop with Livvy from Sustainable Sidekicks was inspiring and uplifting for us all.   As a team I think we felt daunted with the challenge in hand to start to implement meaningful sustainability measures and were anxious about cost impacts especially as our budget are already under a lot of stress!  Livvy took us through each section and helped us see where we can start, how we can build year on year to implement more and more sustainability practises and how we can gather support from across colleauges in the Council and the wider local community.  I and my team are so grateful for the session we had with Livvy.  Such a positive session and Livvy understands the challenges of event orgnaisers and how to help them start the process.