Sustainability policy creation in two hours
The Amgueddfa Cymru Food Festival at St Fagans National Museum of Wales is on a journey to reduce the environmental impact of the event, which includes working with contractors and traders to bring them along on the journey.
From the 2023 event application process, it was clear that a lot of traders did not have a sustainability policy for their business. So the Events team commissioned the Sustainable Sidekicks to put on an online workshop for the 2024 approved traders.
During the two hour workshop people were taken through all the key concepts to consider for the policy, with:
- Interactive brainstorming time
- Examples from other policies
- Quiet time to complete their own policy
- A template to fill in
Traders had time to write out their policy with prompts and cues for each section during the workshop, as well as a template to work with, making the process quick and easy for them and adding long-term value to their business.
One of the participants said: “I have attended many sustainability workshops but I have not been able to complete my policy. This session has made it easy for me to put pen to paper and communicate my business, passion and commitments”.
It can be overwhelming for people to know where to start, what to include and what even is their vision or mission or priorities.
During the two hours, attendees were invited to take a step back and think about why they started their business to help them identify their vision and mission.
By brainstorming with the group to identify the big social and environmental issues in the world, in their region and within the industry, participants were able to identify what impact areas are most important to them.

Then by doing a prioritisation exercise they could identify what they should focus on e.g. If they have little control over travel impacts as they live rurally, this would not be an area they commit to addressing.

The recording of the session is available to traders for the rest of the year.
Do your traders and contractors have sufficient sustainability policies?
If you want to work with your existing stakeholders and bring them along on your sustainable event journey, a Sustainability Policy session can reduce the overwhelm as they are guided through the process and create something that is relevant to their organisation and values.
I have attended many sustainability workshops but I have not been able to complete my policy. This session has made it easy for me to put pen to paper and communicate my business, passion and commitments.